Ryobi P761 Tear Down

Ryobi P761

I was the hardware engineer for the Ryobi P761 speaker, which involved creating the schematics and PCB in Altium, working together with a mechanical designer to select component locations to fit the enclosure, and making changes based upon EMI and ESD testing. I didn't do any of the firmware work.

Ryobi P761

One thing I learned from this project was to put the board name and version number on both sides of the PCB. When screwed into the top enclosure piece, only the side of the PCB without that information is visable. I also should have labeled the buttons with their function. Both of those things made testing a bit more time consuming.

Ryobi P761

You can see my mark in the upper right corner above the two large black inductors.

Ryobi P761
Type Manufacturer Part Number More Info
uC/Radio Eleven Engineering Ginseng Google
D-Amp ST STA369BW Data Sheet
Buck Regulator Techcode TD1529 Data Sheet

Pictures on this page were taken from a P761 purchased from Home Depot.

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